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About Us

Our vision extends beyond mere commerce

Pinnacle Pages Bookstore embodies the entrepreneurial spirit, dedicated to revolutionizing education by providing affordable academic resources seamlessly. Our vision extends beyond mere commerce; we aspire to reshape the narrative of the Global South by fostering sustainable institutions and creating impactful job opportunities that uplift our communities. Motivated by an unwavering passion, our mission is to cultivate a prosperous future generation equipped to thrive in the era of the Fifth Industrial Revolution.

Our Vision

At Pinnacle Pages, our vision is to serve as the gateway to high-quality academic resources, fostering transformative change in education across the Global South. We aspire to empower every individual with access to these resources, preparing them for success in the era of the Fifth Industrial Revolution.

Our Mission

At Pinnacle Pages, our mission is to revolutionize access to education by providing seamless and affordable access to academic resources, thereby empowering individuals, and communities to thrive in the 21st century knowledge economy.

Our Values

  • Accessibility
  • Innovation
  • Empowerment
  • Sustainability
  • Impact

we aspire to reshape the narrative of the Global South by fostering sustainable institutions and creating impactful job opportunities that uplift our communities.

Tasu Mhuruyengwe

Founder & CEO

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

Charles Darwin


gateway to high-quality academic resources

our vision is to serve as the gateway to high-quality academic resources, fostering transformative change in education across the Global South.







Our Founder

Meet Tasu Mhuruyengwe

Tasu Mhuruyengwe, a dedicated doctoral student, adeptly juggles multiple roles as a teacher, entrepreneur, innovator, and academic. His primary focus lies in business strategy, with a keen emphasis on fostering sustainability and resilience to drive progress aligned with both the National Development Plan and the global resilience agenda for economies in the Global South.
Tasu demonstrates an unwavering commitment to tailoring education for global proficiency. His educational journey, spanning a Bachelor of Education and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, provides a robust foundation for his multifaceted approach to teaching and academic entrepreneurship.
Tasu's entrepreneurial endeavours include co-founding the Academy of Global Curriculum and founding Pinnacle Pages. Both ventures share a common goal of sustainability and aim to reshape the narrative of institutions in the Global South. Pinnacle
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Pinnacle Pages Bookstore embodies the entrepreneurial spirit, dedicated to revolutionizing education

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